How Many Servings Can Suvie Make?

The Suvie is a new subscription service that claims to have all the health benefits of a juice diet without the boring and bland taste.
It’s basically a set-it-and-forget-it plan with an emphasis on protein consumption (which is why it has a cult following among bodybuilders).

The Suvie is a one-size-fits-all plan that allows you to eat as much of your favorite foods as you want… but only from certain lists of ingredients.

For example, if you’re gluten intolerant, you’ll need to skip out on breads, pizza crusts, pasta, etc., as well as any products containing those specific ingredients.

If you’re lactose intolerant, you won’t be able to drink dairy milk, yogurt, ice cream, cheese, butter, etc. Basically, there are no “bad” food choices – just some really good ones and some bad ones. You get to decide what you want to eat, how often, and in what quantities.

There are four plans available:

flex, protein, protein plus, and protein plus plus. Each comes at a price point:

Flex Plan:

$120/month; includes 10 meals per week and costs about $11.99 per serving.

Protein Plus Plan:

$150/month; includes 15 meals per week and costs about $9.49 per serving.

Protein Box Plan:

$180/month; includes 20 meals per week and costs about $8.25 per serving.

Suvie also provides some additional perks like daily protein shots, pre-measured snacks, and even some supplements.

They claim their product will help users lose weight while increasing energy levels, boosting metabolism, improving sleep, and more. Here’s some more info:

How does this work?

You choose your plan based on your lifestyle. There are four options:


This is the base package which gives you access to the entire Suvie program. With this plan, you receive 10 meals per week, totaling 200 meals per month. The cost per serving is $10.00 so a total of $200 every two weeks.


This plan is designed for people who don’t have time to cook each day. Instead of cooking each night, you simply add your desired amount of Suvie protein powder into whatever smoothies you would normally prepare. The cost per serving is $5.50 making the total cost $140 every four weeks.


This plan adds 30 minutes of exercise per day to your routine. In addition, you get 15% off all future Suvie purchases.

The cost per serving is $7.50 making the total cost $210 every four weeks.


This plan adds 40 minutes of exercise per day to your routine. In addition, you get 25% off all future Suvie purchases. The cost per serving is $10.00 making the total cost $240 every four weeks.

I’ve been using the Suvie since July 2013 and I love it. I’ve lost 17 pounds over the last year and my energy level through the roof.

My husband was skeptical when he first heard about Suvie because he’s used to eating most things he wants whenever he wants them. But now he’s completely onboard and we’re both enjoying the results.

What do others think of it?

Here are a few reviews from current customers:

From Ryan B.:

It works great for me and my family. We use it as a replacement for lunch during the weekdays and dinner on weekends. I’m not sure how long it will take us to go back to buying fast food once we run out of Suvie, but I know that I’ll never buy processed sugar filled junk again.

From Toni K.:

I haven’t had enough yet! I have tried several diets before finding Suvie and have struggled with maintaining my motivation.

Now that I am on Suvie, I feel motivated and energized. I am losing weight and feeling healthy. I look forward to receiving my next shipment. I have recommended Suvie to everyone I know.

From Rebecca S.:

After having gone raw vegan for almost nine months, I decided I needed to incorporate more animal proteins into my diet.

After doing tons of research online, I found Suvie and signed up immediately. Within the first 24 hours of getting started, I received a large order of protein bars.

Since then, I have ordered everything else I could find that sounded remotely appealing. I have made several friends via social media who share similar interests in nutrition and fitness.

And, I have enjoyed learning so much about myself and the world around me by reading blogs, watching videos, and listening to podcasts. Everyone should try something new. Give Suvie a chance!

Do you have a personal experience with Suvie? Have you ever tried another protein shake or supplement? Share your thoughts below!

Check out this video: